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October 11, 2021

Learning the correct surfing stance

Surf better, with more style, by learning the basics of the surf stance!

You can unlock your surfing potential by adopting a proper surfing stance. Good technique will help you gain balance and make it easier to shift your weight forward, backward and sideways. Consequently, you will have more control over your surfboard's acceleration, braking, and turning.

Skateboarding and snowboarding are very different from surfing. The significant difference is that you're riding over a body of water. In other words, how your feet are placed on the board and how your body's weight is distributed on your feet has a huge influence on how the surfboard responds to the water.

Do you consider yourself Goofy or Regular?

Beginners must first determine whether they are "Regular Surfers", surfing with the left foot forward, or "Goofy Surfers", surfing with the right foot forward. The strongest foot of the rider is usually on the back of the surfboard (the foot with which a football would be kicked). put forward on the surfboard. However, this is not always the case. You could also have someone gently push you from behind. When surfing, it is best to put forward the foot that instinctively comes forward to stop you from falling.

Surfing stance

A surfer's feet must lie centrally on the board. You should place your feet arches equally on both sides of the stringer (or on both sides of an imaginary line in the middle of your surfboard if it doesn't have a stringer). If your feet are not centered, you will most likely fall on the side you put more weight on.

A bit more than shoulder width is the ideal stance. The distance between your feet should be approximately equal to your shoulder width or a little bit more. It is difficult to distribute weight forward or backward when your stance is tiny or massive. You cannot accelerate or slow down effectively when you have an improper posture.

The knees should be bent and pointed inward. When riding a board, it's best to keep your upper body straight and your lower body compressed. You should bend both of your knees, and they should also be pointing inward. With your hips shifting back and forth and your weight shifting to accelerate and slow down, it is much easier to accelerate and slow down. For more mobility and style points, tuck your back knee in a bit more.

The goal is to move your weight comfortably. Your stance will allow you to quickly shift your weight forwards and backwards. You might have an issue with your stance width or foot placement on the board if this is difficult for you.

The left hand should be outside the left rail, the right hand should be outside the right rail. Despite turning your board, keep your hands outside each rail. Doing so will help you maintain your balance. If you try to turn with both hands over the same side of the surfboard, you will most likely lose your balance. In addition, you're prevented from leading your turns with your shoulders and chest, making direction changes more difficult.

Look at where you're going! You are steering with your head! During your surfing sessions, keep your eyes on the direction you wish to go once you have the right stance. 

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